(616) 877-4688 | office@molinechrsch.org

Spiritual Care & Chapel

Chapel at Moline Christian School exists to invite students, faculty, and staff into the presence of God, to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to worship God through singing, praying, fellowship, and the teaching of the Word. Chapel is tailored to students and is split up by grouping grade levels to ensure age-appropriate teaching. A few times year the entire school, PK-8, gathers for special times of worship. Grade-level groups are as follows:
  • Young Fives - 4th Grade
  • 5th and 6th Grade
  • 7th and 8th grade
It is exciting to gather weekly for a time of reverence, rejoicing, respite, repentance, and restoration. All Chapels emphasize the beauty and priority of the Bible.
Discipleship Matters! We love that our students participate in weekly, age-appropriate worship, and we also recognize the need to consider the broader spiritual needs of our students at MCS. Beginning fall 2025, MCS launched a Discipleship Coordinator who is focused on caring for the needs of Middle School students. The Discipleship Coordinator focuses on the continued integration of academic life, student life, and discipleship of the whole child inside and outside of the classroom.

Jake Patton

Discipleship Coordinator

Jacob Patton is an experienced Bible teacher at MCS and currently serves as the Middle School Discipleship Coordinator. He graduated from Kuyper College with a dual major in Pre-Seminary and Bible and Theology. Jacob furthered his education at Calvin Theological Seminary, where he earned a Master of Divinity degree. Mr. Patton is in the process of becoming ordained in the Christian Reformed Church and has been providing pulpit supply at various churches. He is excited to not only contribute to the amazing work of chapel planning but also to help our students view their entire lives as a journey with the Lord through small groups, focus sessions, and spiritual habits.

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